
The County of Lambton Planning Department provides advice, guidance and recommendations to Council, the Committee of Adjustment and staff members on all planning issues. They are also presently working with Council to prepare a new Official Plan and Zoning By-law. The administration for all planning applications is dealt with by municipal office staff.

Responsibilities in the area of planning include the following:

  • Enforcement of The Planning Act and the Ontario Provincial Planning Policies;
  • Official Plan and Zoning By-law compliance and interpretation;
  • Maintaining the goals and values of the Official Plan.

The objectives of the Official Plan are as follows:

  1. To provide a comprehensive document to guide and direct future development in a logical and orderly manner and attempt to correct the errors of past development so as to ensure a resulting healthy growth pattern which will benefit all the residents of the Planning area;
  2. To provide additional residential land for the anticipated growth in population; and
  3. To increase the amount of public open space, especially along the St. Clair River, to maximize the aesthetic and recreational potential offered by the unique location of the Village of Point Edward at the outlet of Lake Huron.