Committee/Board meetings are scheduled on the second Tuesday of each month. Committee meetings are not held during the months of August and December. Special meetings may also be scheduled.
The normal times for the Committee meetings are as follows: 8:30 a.m. – Fire; 9:00 a.m. – Police Services Board (bi-monthly); 10:00 a.m. Operations; 1:00 p.m. Environmental Services; and 2:30 p.m. – Finance. As the normal schedule may vary, please refer to the Agenda page for the meeting dates and times of each of the Committees/Boards. Meetings are held at the Municipal Office, 135 Kendall Street, Point Edward, unless otherwise noted.
The Committee and Board meetings are open to the public, and residents are welcome to attend.
If you wish to make a presentation to the Committees or Board, please contact Jim Burns to arrange a suitable time and date. You will be required to submit a letter in writing by the Wednesday prior to the meeting to provide an overview of the items you wish to discuss.